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Sarah Early


Sarah Early, PsyD has served as the Executive Director of Colorado Physician Health Program (CPHP) since 2002. CPHP is a non-profit, independent peer assistance organization whose mission is to promote the health and well-being of physicians and physician assistants through evaluation, treatment referral, support, education and research. Dr. Early is responsible for the administration and management of corporate and program operations. She is proud to be contributing to CPHP’s work because healthy doctors give better care!

Dr. Early is a member of the American Psychological Association, Federation of State Physician Health Programs and the Society of Psychologists in Leadership.

Dazzle Africa is the non-profit charity about which Dr. Early is most passionate. She is a co-founder and former President of the Board of Directors of Dazzle Africa, whose mission is to partner with locally based organizations in Zambia to provide effective programs in education, conservation, and community development. Dazzle Africa creates sustainable ecosystems through safaris and local investment to ensure future generations are self-sufficient and iconic wildlife thrive. She enjoys sharing the beauty and magic of Africa by hosting philanthropic safaris for Dazzle Africa.

Dr. Early is originally from Rochester, New York. Her doctorate was received from Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky. Currently, Dr. Early and her husband, Bryan, live in Thornton, Colorado. In her spare time, she enjoys participating in competitive swimming, skiing, hiking and travel.

Sarah Early
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